For all other stations choose from an IBM version (99800-54) or a MACINTOSH version (99800-55).
#Software weather display software#
Station 99800-30 requires software 99800-53 available in an IBM version only. Order optional modem adapter to monitor conditions rom a remote location - requires Hayes(R) compatible modem.
#Software weather display serial#
Software includes 9-pin or 25-pin RS-232 serial port adapters and an 8-ft (2.4-m) long cable. MACINTOSH(R) software package requires a MAC +(R) or greater running on system 6.0 or higher and one free modem port. Requires Hercules(R) monochrime card CGA, EGA, VGA, or compatible monitor (99800-53 requirs VGA, SVGA, or compatible monitor) DOS 2.1 or later (99800-53 requires WINDOWS(R) 3.1 or later) and one serial port. Use the IBM(R) software package with your 286 computer or better with 525K memory. The software allows you to initialize the setup, interrogate the station, display data, and generate reports from one or more weather stations. Being a piece of useful content, the weather feed brings many advantages to your website. If you embed the iframe weather widget on your website, blog or single web page, you will provide visitors with more great features to choose from. Compare two different graphs on the same sceeen. Google Friendly Weather Widget for Your Website. Graph any function on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. This software package lets you store data every 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, or 120 minutes - export data to Lotus(R) 1-2-2 or dBase(R) III compatible software. Get the most from your Davis Instruments weather stations with these accessories and components. We encourage you to give it a go and put New Zealand on the world-wide weather map Automatic Weather Station: the best option with Your Weather. Gear and Positive Displacement Flowmeters.